Decor Rentals

Take your installs to the next level with these rentals.

Taxes and Delivery fees and are not included in prices below. Delivery fees are $3/mi from Arnold, MD—charged both for drop-off and for pick-up. Contracts apply. These are add-ons to our balloons services only.

oh, yes please!
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Pink Iridescent Shimmer Wall Rental

Adjustable up to 7’x7’

Right photo by Jennifer Casey Photography

Group 21181.png__PID:5e29013d-2ce6-4231-992a-82996861c5e1

Vintage Rattan Cobra Peacock Chair Rental

Group 21161.png__PID:b294455d-edf0-4928-bd23-945e29013d2c

Grid Panel Rentals

Shown here are two panels. Each panel is 6 feet tall and 2 feet wide. Also available in black.

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“Oh Baby” Neon Sign Rental

Requires power source

22.2” × 20.9”

Group 21166.png__PID:94455ded-f079-48fd-a394-5e29013d2ce6

“Good Times” Neon Sign Rental

Requires power source


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Chiara Wall Rentals

Fabric covered means we can do an assortment of colors/patterns. Pictured here with striped side panels and blush pink center panel.

Group 21167.png__PID:455dedf0-7928-4d23-945e-29013d2ce602

Gold Grid Wall Rental

80 inches (6.6 feet) tall

Group 21168.png__PID:5dedf079-28fd-4394-9e29-013d2ce60231

Gold Hoop Rental

Lightweight—must be staked to ground or weighted.

We have two— one 6.5’ tall, one is 7.2’ tall

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Hoop with Pink Marble Cover Rental

6.5’ tall

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Black Geometric Centerpiece Stand Rentals

Rented as sets of 4, including one 16", 24", 32", and 40"

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Gold Geometric Plinths w/Faux Pink Marble Toppers

Rented as sets of 4, including one 16”, 25”, 32”, and 40”, can also be used without toppers as centerpiece stands

Group 21174.png__PID:7928fd23-945e-4901-bd2c-e60231992a82

Boho Bamboo Shelf Rental

Great as a room divider or cupcake shelf

4-5’ tall-ish

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Vintage Boho Room Divider Rental

Adds great boho and vintage texture

5.5’ tall

Group 21176.png__PID:28fd2394-5e29-413d-ace6-0231992a8299

White Arch Rental

Lightweight, requires weights or to be staked into the ground

6.5’ tall

Group 21176.png__PID:28fd2394-5e29-413d-ace6-0231992a8299

Gold Arch Rental

Lightweight, requires weights or to be staked into the ground

8’ tall, 9.5’ wide

Group 21178.png__PID:23945e29-013d-4ce6-8231-992a82996861

Dried & faux floral arrangements

These can be added to your installation as rentals and are customized to your event.

Group 21179.png__PID:945e2901-3d2c-4602-b199-2a82996861c5

Rent Light Up Letter and Number Marquees from Alpha-Lit Annapolis

We love ballooning letters from Alpha Lit Annapolis. Reach out to Alpha-Lit Annapolis here for pricing and availability.